음악산업의 현황과 저작권법
페이지 정보
작성자 관리자
조회Hit 6,360회 작성일Date 19-10-29 00:00
조회Hit 6,360회 작성일Date 19-10-29 00:00
일 시 : 2019. 11. 8. (금) 오후 6시 30분 (만찬 포함)
장 소 : 쉐라톤서울팔래스호텔 다이너스티A홀 (서초구 사평대로 160)
주 최 : 서울대학교 기술과법센터
[18:20-18:30] 등록
[18:30-19:20] 저녁식사
- 사회 정상조 (서울대학교 법학전문대학원 교수)
[19:20-19:50] 초청강연
- Sean M. O\'Connor (Professor of Law, George Mason University)
[19:50-20:50] 발표
[19:50-20:50] 발표
- 조재영 (청운대 광고홍보학과 교수), 음악 산업과 저작권
- 곽재우 (법무법인 광장 변호사), 음악 산업에서의 라이선스
- 오혜진 (한국음악저작권협회 변호사), 한국음악저작권협회의 당면과제
[20:50-21:00] 토론 및 질의응답
* 강연자 소개
Professor Sean O’Connor, a Stanford Law graduate, practiced law at multinational firms based in New York and in Boston before entering the academy. He has served as general counsel to innovative start-ups, creators, and nonprofits. He has testified before Congress and the Washington State Legislature, and has presented at the Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. O’Connor has been a visiting professor at University of California at Berkeley, Boston College, George Washington University, Université de Strasbourg, Université de Bourgogne and Katholieke Universiteit, Lueven (Belgium). He has lectured in China, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Cuba.
O’Connor designed and launched pioneering programs, including the Entrepreneurial Law Clinic, the Cannabis Law and Policy Project, and the Law, Business and Entrepreneurship Program at the University of Washington. He helped build the Program in IP Law and Policy and expand the well-known Center for Advanced Studies and Research on Innovation Policy (CASRIP). As Assistant Dean for Law, Business and Technology Initiatives, he oversaw these programs while serving as Chair of the University IP Management Committee and on the committee that designed the Global Innovation eXchange (GIX). A former professional musician and songwriter, O’Connor now taps that background to organize conferences, produce scholarship, write amicus briefs and op-eds about various aspects of the music ecosystem.
As a scholar, O’Connor has been published in top law reviews, including University of Chicago Law Review, Boston College Law Review, and University of Illinois Law Review. He has published numerous book chapters and authored commissioned reports for National Academies of Science and other organizations. He is currently completing a book, The Means of Innovation: Creation, Control, Method+ology, and serving as Editor for a new Handbook of Music Law & Policy, both to be published by Oxford University Press.
◇ 참석자 전원에게 만찬이 제공됩니다.
◇ 참 가 비 : 2만원 (법인회원과 워크숍회원은 무료)
◇ 참가신청 : 이메일(phj0424@snu.ac.kr) 신청 - 성명, 소속, 직함, 연락처 기재
◇ 선착순 마감 될 수 있사오니, 등록여부 회신메일을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.
◇ 신청마감 : 11월 7일(목) 오후 4시까지
◇ 문 의 : 전화 880-7569 / 이메일 phj0424@snu.ac.kr
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