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    BERKELEY CENTER FOR KOREAN LAW - The first annual conference

    페이지 정보

    작성자 관리자
    조회Hit 10,551회   작성일Date 14-03-24 00:00


    A. Purpose of the Conference

       Korea’s rise into the top tier of the world’s economies, its emergence as a vigorous democracy, and the dynamism of its society demands attention to the Korean constitutional, legal, and political systems.  The signing of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, and the accompanying liberalization of the Korean legal profession, has only accelerated interest in Korean law and institutions.  The Berkeley Center for Korean Law will satisfy this growing demand by studying cutting edge topics on the development of the Korean legal and political system, and bring together leading scholars, officials, and professionals to deepen mutual understanding of both societies. 
       An annual conference will be held to encourage scholars, officials, and practitioners to exchange ideas and study cutting edge topics together.  New ideas, theories, and best practices in various fields of law, government, and business will be developed after presentation of papers and discussion.  Utilizing the network of Korean law students, legal scholars, and attorneys that have been trained at Berkeley, and reaching out to the substantial number of Korean-American lawyers in California and the rest of the United States, the Center will act as a focal point to foster networking and robust exchange of ideas and information on Korea.  Students, legal scholars, practitioners, judicial officers, government officials, and businessmen from Korea and the United States will convene at the conference to share insights on matters of common concern.
       The first conference will be held April 18-19, 2014 at Berkeley.  Invitees will include Berkeley alumni in Korea, Berkeley Law faculty, leading attorneys and professors in Korea, and Korean-American lawyers and scholars.  We will invite internationally-known figures to deliver keynote addresses and present papers. We plan on providing attorneys with CLE (Continuing Legal Education) credit to encourage participation. For every conference, we will publish research papers and articles for greater dissemination of the ideas and proposals. 
       The conference will present the best of Korean legal research in English. It will include panels on important public and private law issues affecting Korea and the United States, high profile cases such as the Apple-Samsung patent litigation, and implications of the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement for legal practice.  Invitees will include Korean Supreme Court Justices, Korean judicial officers in California, professors, as well as partners from top law firms.
       Publications. With sufficient support, the Berkeley Center plans to inaugurate a collection of works devoted to Korean scholarly research in English. The first volume, for example, will publish the papers from the 2014 conference; our goal is to add an additional volume every year. This will expand access to work on Korean law and politics to researchers and students throughout the United States and the English-speaking world. With the success of the series, we anticipate creating an online scholarly journal that could provide a home for Korean professors and students, in both Korea and the United States, to present research in a shorter format.

    B. Details

       The first annual conference will be held in Berkeley Law School to celebrate the establishment of the Center starting from April 18, 2014. The tentative details are as follows:  
    Friday (18th)
    8:30 a.m.              Registration & breakfast 
    9:30 a.m.              Welcome by Kim Hwang-sik, former Prime Minister of Korea
    10:00 a.m.            Panel 1: High-Technology and Innovation 
                                   Lee Cheng, General Counsel, Newegg 
                                   Hongsun Yoon, Deputy General Counsel, LG 
                                   Duane Valz, Patent Counsel, Google 
                                   Moderator (Sang Jo Jong, Dean, SNU Law School)
    12:00 noon.         Lunch Address by Justice Yang Chang-Soo, Supreme Court of Korea
    2:00 p.m.             Panel 2: Development of Korean Legal Institutions
                                  The Unconstitutionality of the Crime of Sodomy in Korean             
                                  (Professor Kuk Cho) 
                                  Modern Korean Evidence System (Professor Lee Sangwon) 
                                  Fundamental Rights Protection in Korea (Professor Choi Daikwon)            
                                 Judicial Intervention (Professor Lim Jibong)
                                 Mergers and Acquisitions of Distressed Companies in Korea
                                  (Professor Park Jaewan)
                                 Moderator: Professor Laurent Mayali
    3:30 p.m.            Break

    4:00 p.m.            Panel 3: The Future of U.S.-Korea Legal Practice
                                 Ryou, Won Kyou, Lee & Ko, President of the Berkeley Club
                                 Belinda Lee, Latham & Watkins
                                 Woo, Chang Rok, Chairman, Yulchon
                                 Catharina Min, Reed Smith
    6:00 p.m.             Address by Justice Lee, Jinsung, Korean Constitutional Court
    7:00 p.m.             Reception        


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